the rules
One shipment per household
Express shipments only
Up to 30 kg
Up to 120 cm length
shipping options explained
On Send It Monday you will have two options to choose from for your shipment.
direct shipping
Your first option is quite straightforward. After your package has been processed, you can have it sent directly by courier of your choice. You can also opt for multi-piece shipments, provided the original packaging does not require repacking . This is the perfect option for single packages and if you need your items delivered as fast as possible.
Combine & repack
You can optimize the weight via repacking and combining multiple parcels into one bigger box. At this stage, you will be able to see value estimate range. Once the parcels are processed, you will see the exact cost and will be able to create a shipment. Keep in mind that the combine and repack process for Send It Monday will be completed and ready for shipment to achieve a guaranteed delivery by 25th of December. In order to achieve this guarantee, all parcels will be optimised and shipped no later than Tuesday 20th December. You can find great value in this option.
Items that incur additional fees
forward2me has no control over these charges, the discount for Send It Monday applies to shipping costs only.

Dangerous Goods





Nail Varnish
The 50% discount (“Discount”) is available to all eligible customers who have received a Discount code issued by forward2me based on the following terms and conditions:
- Send It Monday (“Event”) runs from 12:00 a.m. until 11:59 p.m. on December 5 2022 (“Send It Monday Period”).
- All shipments must be created within the Send It Monday Period.
- Any Discount codes issued by forward2me can be used once per one household (IP address) within the Send It Monday Period.
- Any Discount codes issued by forward2me can be used only on shipments using forward2me's UK forwarding address.
- All Discount codes apply only to the cost of the shipment.
- Discount codes can be used only for express services.
- Express services include FedEx International Priority, DHL Express Worldwide, and UPS Express Saver.
- Not all express services may be available for every destination.
- Discount codes can be used only on shipments weighing up to 30 kg and up to 120 cm in length.
- Flammable liquids: Perfume, alcohol over 70% proof, nail polish remover, nail polish, non water based paint.
- Flammable gas: Spray paints, hairspray, aerosol furniture polish, aerosol deodorants.
- Corrosive: Oven cleaners, paint removers, bleach, some sealants & fillers, hair dyes containing peroxides.
- Flammable solids: Cleaning wipes, nail varnish remover wipes.
- Miscellaneous: Lithium batteries (If not in equipment.)
- Dangerous goods in machinery: Airbags (steering wheels), life jackets and auto inflating life saving equipment.
- Discount codes do NOT apply to any other courier fees or excise duties imposed by customs.
- Discount codes do NOT apply to the Combine and Repack service or any other service used for the shipment.
- No price adjustments will be given for shipments created prior to or after the Send It Monday Period.
- Any other discounts may NOT be combined with the Discount.
forward2me reserves the right to modify, discontinue, or alter the terms of The Event without notice.
When participating in The Event, you are responsible for ensuring that the items contained in your shipment are not prohibited goods in the destination country.
By using a Discount code within the Send It Monday period on qualifying shipments, you agree to forward2me's Terms of Trade and Terms of Use.
Send It Monday is organized by forward2me. The name, logo, and artwork are property of forward2me and cannot be used without the permission of the owner.
want that 50% off?
Great! Let's get you that 50% discount! Go on a shopping spree and just send it!