Top 10 Toys for Christmas

Top 10 Toys for Christmas

Pre-order and ship your toys for Christmas now to avoid disappointment, according to the world's press this week. All the big retailers including ToysRUs, Hamleys, John Lewis and Argos have brought out their lists of the top toys for Christmas 2013. Here at forward2me, we thought we'd bring you a selection of the best that we think you'd like so that you can use our fast international shipping to save Santa some work!
Cute, loveable and now extremely interactive! The latest version of the Furby can be controlled using a tablet and will even play games. Set to be top of the Christmas lists this year, order now to beat the rush and so that you get the character that you want. We'll take great care with your new pet if you use our door to door, fully tracked service.
Leap Pad
If you're looking for an educational toy or just a way to keep the kids off your own tablet, the Leap Pad might be just what you're after. Tough, safe and with plenty of apps and games to keep them happy, it also links securely to child-friendly web sites so that you can let them surf in peace.
Nerf Guns
As toys for Christmas go, Nerf guns are extremely popular. They come in all shapes and sizes, but a top tip for this year is that they have launched a range that will appeal more to girls so if you have squabbling siblings, they can have Nerf wars instead of fighting. My kids love these and have running wars with the neighbours. Ambushing Dad is also fun...
Dr McStuffins
Taxidermy for toys? Kind of...The latest Disney offering is based on a cartoon character called Dr McStuffins. There are several items in the range but the one that is tipped to be one of the most popular toys for Christmas is the Doctor's Bag set.
Wii U
For family-friendly gaming fun, you can't beat a Wii. They're also good for fitness. The latest model, the Wii U, has an added games console so that you can stream Wii games and play them without hogging the family television. As toys for Christmas go, this is a reasonably priced, flexible console and it also has a range of more grown-up games for the 'big kids' in the family.
Well of course. No Christmas would be complete without it. There's a Lego set for everyone, from tots to teens and it's no longer the exclusive domain of boys. The Lego Friends sets are very popular with girls and have collectible characters.
One Direction Dolls
Least said the better...As toys for Christmas go, One Direction Dolls are set to fly out of all the major toy shops really quickly due to the (incomprehensible) popularity of a certain boy band known as 1D. So use forward2me's secure international shipping to get yours now (pretend it's for your niece, we won't tell).
Teksta Puppy
Familiar from a few years ago, this robotic dog has come on leaps and bounds in terms of responsiveness and has made it into the Top 10 toys for Christmas this year.
Monster High Dolls
A ghoulish collection of Cindy/Barbie-style dolls - vampires, werewolves etc. in stylish outfits more suited to Halloween than Christmas. They're a spin-off from a cartoon series and the website has games and other info all about them.
Robo Fish
A nice stocking filler (although they work better in water), these robotic fish are incredibly lifelike and less prone to dying than the real thing. One of the fastest selling toys of all time and set to still be very popular this year. They come in different 'species' and you can buy tanks and even fish food for them.
See our incredible range of toys. Most toys bought overseas include a different power adapter, we've got your covered. Have a browse over our guide on how to convert your UK or EU plug to the appropriate US format today.
So there you go. Just don't forget to shop online and if you have any problems using your international credit card make the most of our personal shopper service. Contact our customer services department if we can help...